Blackpool Zoo Research Department



“We aim to strive for excellence in research, inspire the next generation of zoo scientists and contribute to the wider scientific community through collection of robust empirical data. Research diversity aims to ensure investigations are carried out at all levels encompassing a range of topics across every element of the zoological collection to develop the highest level of animal care and visitor experience.”

Scientific study supports the highest standards of animal welfare as well as helping us to gain an understanding about our visitors, the educational value of zoos and the conservation we support. Zoo research comes in many forms under categories such as animal nutrition, animal behaviour, social science, education, even subjects such as tourism and travel. Here at the zoo, we want our research to underpin each area and do this by welcoming research from various sources. Our internal research department is supported by a Research and Student Liaison Officer as well as a team of student interns who all complete internal research projects and facilitate external projects every day. 

Kristian, our Education and Conservation Officer, collected his Top Project Award for his study on the behavioural effects of a mixed-species enclosure on capybaras at Blackpool Zoo from the Royal Society of Biology. If you are interested in reading his report, you can download it here.

Research Fees

To complete any research project at Blackpool Zoo researchers are required to pay a £20 admin fee which allows access to the zoo for the duration of your data collection period and support will be provided from the research department.

£10 deposit is also required which will be returned once the researcher has returned the vest, raw data and the final project has been submitted to the zoo, failure to do so will forfeit the deposit.


Research Fellowship

BRAND NEW for 2023 we will introduce our research fellowship, research students who complete a project at the zoo can opt-in to a research fellowship at the price of £50.00 which will include the following benefits:

  • 12 months of unlimited access to the zoo.
  • 1-1 support sessions from the research department and access to the zoo's research resources.
  • Entry into Blackpool Zoo’s Annual Research Awards.
  • Regular research newsletter which provides up-to-date research news from the zoo.
  • Opportunities for presentations at the zoo for animal and education staff.
  • Opportunity to appear on the website and social media to showcase the research.
  • Access to exclusive talks and presentations at Blackpool Zoo.
  • Includes the admin fee for research (please note, you will still be required to pay a £10 deposit which will be returned once the researcher has returned the vest, raw data and the final project has been submitted to the zoo, failure to do so will forfeit the deposit.)

Elephant Research Volunteer

Blackpool Zoo is home to a breeding herd of six endangered Asian elephants, we currently have long-term research projects assessing the behaviour, social interactions and sleep patterns of each individual. If you would like to play a role in this important social and scientific discovery, why not join our volunteer research team? If you would like more information, please contact If you would like to express interest in our volunteer research opportunity, please complete the form found HERE.

Priority Research List

Every year, Blackpool Zoo research department collaborates with the animal and education department as well as liaising with the BIAZA priority research list to compile a Blackpool Zoo Priority Research List.

A full copy of Blackpool Zoo’s priority research list can be obtained through contacting our research department (, please find below a list of the species on our priority research list.

Download our priority research list here.

Research Applications

We support research in every department across the zoo and welcome external students and professionals to complete scientific study to support Blackpool Zoo from foundation level to postgraduate.

For terms and conditions of research at Blackpool Zoo please read our Research Prospectus prior to application.

Please note it will take up to 3 weeks to review research applications.

Supporting files for your application can be found below:

Download our research prospectus here.

Download our research application form here.

If you would like to complete research at Blackpool Zoo or for more information, please send your application form to

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